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Dear Parents/ Guardians,

As we near the end of the Academic year, it is good to reflect and see what together we can do to improve the standard, quality and performance of each boy. We look forward for your cooperation in educating your child/ward in home also. Values are taught in institutions but they are inculcated in the homes, which is the nursery of good upbringing. We on our part try and provide many opportunities, which a boy may have missed due to loss of parents or financial reasons. Every year we have to say no to more than 60 to 70 boys as we lack the finance and infrastructure to house them here.


You are aware that Our Lady's Home is one of the very few institutions that are completely free. The Orphanage is run purely on donations from benefactors and well-wishers. The deficit every year is made up by the Archbishop Mumbai. The priests, Brothers and Sisters work here for more than 14 hrs a day are given a stipend and not a salary in comparison to the salaried staff that works a maximum of 8 hours a day.


Below we are noting a few points which we expect from ourselves, the parents and the boys in order that the institution may function smoothly and the sacrifices made by the donors and well wishers are put to good use.



The boys have to be advised/taught at home that they are here in order to build a good character and grow in good manners. Where one respects, appreciates and is grateful to that is done for them in order that they may be better citizens.



Importance of studies has to be stressed by the parent and guardians. It is noticed that the boys prefer an easy life and avoid studying though they have been blessed with intelligence. Some of them not only do not study but also disturb other boys. Many a boys do not look for excellence in studies. They are very happy if they manage to pass.

use of things


Very often things are lost, damaged or destroyed e.g.: pages are torn from the books, pencils lost, soaps missing, clothes thrown here and there. The list can go on and on. We request the parents/guardians to instruct the boys to put things to good use as well as take good care of things that are given/entrusted to them.


On our part we have tried to do our best :


All boys are treated equally. There is no distinction made neither on cast, creed or religion nor on age or standard on is studying in.

pure water

Since February 2003 filter water is provide on every floor. A water cooler is installed in the refectory.


A variety of dishes are prepared and served hot. The diet is well balanced, nutritive and tasty. A lot is left to be desired since we depend on cooks. Every boy is provided with a fork, spoon and knife for meals.

washing machine

We have installed three washing machines.

The parents are requested :
- To follow the rules and regulations of the institution.
- Avoid bringing eatables on visiting Sunday.
- Meet the brother/sister concerned to learn about the progress of the boy.
- Please note the boys will be evaluated on the points mentioned below. If they are found very much lacking in these points they will be sent home.

  1. Over all behaviour

  2. Studies

  3. Use of things provided


We look forward to your kind cooperation,


Rev. Fr. Lawrence D'Souza



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